TauREx 3 – A fast dynamical and extendable framework for retrievals
The TauREx retrieval framework is a fully bayesian atmospheric retrieval framework for extrasolar and solar system planets. It is optimally scalable and using the latest high resolution opacity sources from ExoMol, HiTEMP and Hitran. It is extremely modular, allowing the user to augment TauREx functionalities with their own code and easily perform retrievals on their own parameters. TauREx runs natively on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

- – Al-Rafaie et al. 2019 – TauREx III: A fast, dynamic and extendable framework for retrievals
- – Waldmann et al. 2015 – Tau-REx II: Retrieval of emission spectra
- – Waldmann et al. 2015 – Tau-REx I: A next generation retrieval code for exoplanetary atmospheres
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
TauREx 3 is the next generation of the TauREx exoplanet atmospheric retrieval framework for Windows, Mac and Linux.
It is a complete rewrite with a full Python stack that makes it simple to use, high performance and dynamic/flexible. The new main TauREx program is extremely modular, allowing the user to augment TauREx functionalities with their own code and easily perform retrievals on their own parameters.
This is achieved by dynamic determination of fitting parameters where TauREx 3 can detect new parameters for retrieval from the user code though a simple interface. TauREx 3 can act as a library with a simple “import taurex” providing a rich set of classes and functions related to atmospheric modelling. A 10x speed-up in forward model computations is achieved compared to the previous version with a six-fold reduction in retrieval times whilst maintaining robust results.
TauREx intends to act as an all in one package for retrievals whilst the TauREx 3 library can be used by the user to easily build or augment their data pipelines.