############## # I. Columns # ############## ---- Note ---- In the table, X err min and X err max mean are the lower limit of the error and the upper limit of the error, expressed in the same units as X. Column 1 : Name: Name of the planet considered, in accordance with the exoplanet.eu database. ----------------------- I.1. Stellar parameters ----------------------- - RA: Right ascension of the star, in hourangles - DEC: Declination of the star, in degrees - Name: Name of the planet considered, in accordance with the exoplanet.eu database - Magnitude V: Magnitude of the host star in the V band. Found in exoplanet.eu. If it is not the case, found in the NASA exoplanet archive. - M*: Stellar mass, in solar masses. Found in exoplanet.eu. - R*: Stellar radius, in solar radii. Found in exoplanet.eu. - L*: Stellar luminosity, in solar luminosity. Calculated from the effective temperature and the stellar radius using the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Observational values have been found in several papers (cf. References). - Age: Age of the host stat, in Myr. Found in exoplanet.eu. - Teff: Effective temperature. Found in exoplanet.eu. - Prot: Stellar rotation period, in days. Found in several papers (cf. References). - Met: Stellar metallicity. Found in exoplanet.eu. - alpha: Ratio radius of the radiative zone/stellar radius. Computed with Gallet et al. (2017) grids, by using the age of the star. The relevant grid is chosen by finding the nearest stellar mass studied. If the age is not found, the radius is used for the dating. /!\ Metallicity : Z = 0.134 in the grids /!\ - beta: Ratio mass of the radiative zone/stellar mass. Computed with Gallet et al. (2017) grids, by using the age of the star. The relevant grid is chosen by finding the nearest stellar mass studied. If the age is not found, the radius is used for the dating. /!\ Metallicity : Z = 0.134 in the grids /!\ ---------- I.2. Tides ---------- - r_corot: Co-rotation radius, in AU. Computed from the rotation period and the semi-major axis by assessing Prot = Porb. - r_inertial_waves: Radius where inertial waves begin to be excited by tidal effects, in AU. Computed from the rotation period and the semi-major axis by assessing Porb = 1/2*Prot. - Q'eq: Tidal quality factor linked to the equilibrium tide. Computed by using the equation (8) from Strugarek et al. (2017). Stellar mass, stellar radius, stellar luminosity, effective temperature and rotation period are needed. - Q'dyn: Tidal quality factor linked to the dynamical tide (dissipation of inertial waves in the convective zone). Computed with Gallet et al. (2017) grids, by using the age of the star. The relevant grid is chosen by finding the nearest stellar mass studied. If the age is not found, the radius is used for the dating. /!\ Metallicity : Z = 0.134 in the grids /!\ - Q'tot: Total tidal quality factor. Computed by using the following definition: 1/Q'tot = 1/Q'eq + 1/Q'dyn If only one of the contributions (equilibrium-dynamical) is found, it will define Q'tot. -------------- I.3. Magnetism -------------- ---- Note ---- The subscript 'linear' or 'superlinear' refer respectively to a linear (B* \propto Ro^{-1}) and a superlinear (B* \propto Ro^{-1.65}) dynamo relationship. The mass dependency of B* and the coronal temperature prescription are derived to be consistent with numerous observational trends (Ahuir+ 2020). - rA: Alfvén radius, in stellar radii. Computed by performing a 1D wind simulation with starAML (Réville et al. (2015b). Stellar mass, stellar radius, effective temperature and rotation period are needed. - Pram: Ram pressure of the stellar wind at the planetary orbit, in CGS units. Computed by performing a 1D wind simulation with starAML (Réville et al. (2015b). Stellar mass, stellar radius, effective temperature and rotation period are needed. - Pmag: Magnetic pressure of the stellar wind at the planetary orbit, in CGS units. Computed by performing a 1D wind simulation with starAML (Réville et al. (2015b). If the semi-major axis is inside the source surface, Pmag is computed at a co-latitude equal to pi/2. Else, Pmag is computed at a co-latitude equal to 0, in accordance with the evolution of B with respect to the latitude found in Réville & Brun (2017) by performing 3D simulations. Stellar mass, stellar radius, effective temperature and rotation period are needed. - n: Density of the stellar wind at the planetary orbit, in CGS units. Computed by performing a 1D wind simulation with starAML (Réville et al. (2015b). Stellar mass, stellar radius, effective temperature and rotation period are needed. - Tcor: Coronal temperature of the star, in Kelvin. Computed by following Ahuir et al. (2020). Stellar rotation period and stellar mass are needed. - Tcor_JG: Coronal temperature of the star, in Kelvin. Computed by following Johnstone & Güdel (2015) (Tc ~ Fx^0.26, with Lx/L* ~ Ro^-2, L* ~ M*^4, R* ~ M*^0.9). Stellar rotation period and stellar mass are needed. - Rossby: Fluid Rossby number. Computed by following Brun et al. (2017). Stellar mass and stellar rotation period are needed. - Om.eq-Om.lat60 (rad/s): Difference of stellar rotation rate between the equator and latitude 60 degrees, in rad/s, to have an estimate of the stellar differential rotation. Computed by following equation (12) from Brun et al. (2017). The solar value is taken from Thompson et al. (2003). Stellar mass and stellar rotation period are needed. - B: Estimate of the magnetic at the stellar surface, in Gauss. Computed by assessing that the magnetic pressure is equal to the gas pressure. Stellar mass, stellar radius and effective temperature are needed. - Spectropolarimetry ? (y/n): Determine if ZDI maps are available. Search of the target in PolarBase, following Petit et al. (2014). - Abnormal activity (L/P/R): Likeliness of abnormal stellar activity due to a planet orbiting within the Alfvén surface of its wind. L stands for 'likely' (all scenarios predict abnormal activity), P for 'probable' (abnormal activity is possible only for particular modelling choices), and N for 'no interaction' for which no reasonable modelling choices leads to any abnormal activity. ---------------------- I.4. Planet Parameters ---------------------- - a: Semi-major axis of the planet, in AU. Found in exoplanet.eu. If not found in exoplanet.eu, computed from the orbital period and the stellar mass by using the third Kepler law. - i: Inclination of the orbit, in degrees. Found in exoplanet.eu. - e: Excentricity of the orbit. Found in exoplanet.eu. - Mp: Planetary mass, in Earth masses. Found in exoplanet.eu. - Porb: Orbital period, in days. Found in exoplanet.eu. - Rp: Planetary radius, in Earth radii. Found in exoplanet.eu. - Bp: Planetary magnetic field, in Gauss. A lower limit (10^-2 G) and an upper limit (10 G) are given in the table. - Type: Type of the planet (Mercurian, Superterran, Neptunian, Jovian). mP < 0.5 Mearth : Mercure-like 0.5 Mearth ≤ mP < 10 Mearth : super Earth 10 Mearth ≤ mP < 50 Mearth : Neptune-like mP ≥ 50 Mearth : Jupiter-like Planetary mass is needed. - Q'plan: Planetary tidal quality factor. For mercurean planets, Q' = 266 as for Mercury (Baland et al. 2017) For super-Earths, Q' = 1.39e3 as for the Earth (Lainey et al. 2016) For Neptunian planets, Q' = 6.7e4 as for Neptune (Ogilvie 2014) For jovian planets far from their host star, Q' = 2.4e5 as for Jupiter (Ogilvie 2014;Yoder & Peale 1981) For hot Jupiters, Q' = 3.16e6 (Ogilvie 2014) Planetary mass is needed. ------------------------ I.5. Planetary migration ------------------------ - R_magneto: size of the planetary magnetosphere, in planetary radius. Computed through the ratio planetary magnetic pressure/Total wind pressure. If R_magneto < 1, the planet is not able to sustain a magnetosphere and there is a dipolar star-planet magnetic interaction (Strugarek et al. 2015, Strugarek 2016). Else, the planet is able to sustain a magnetosphere and the SMPI is unipolar (Laine & Lin 2012). - tau_tide: Migration timescale, in years, due to tidal effects (equilibrium tide + dynamical tide due to the dissipation of inertial waves in the convective zone). From the modified tidal quality factor Q', the tidal torque is computed by following Murray & Dermott (1999) : Gamma_tide = 9/(4Q')*G*mp^2*Rstar^5/a^6. Then the migration timescale is obtained by computing the ratio : tau = 2*Jp/Gamma_tide, where Jp = mp*(G*Mstar*a)**0.5 is the orbital angular momentum. - tau_mag: Migration timescale, in years, due to star-planet magnetic interactions. Unipolar (Laine & Lin 2012) and dipolar (Strugarek 2016) torques are computed according to the value of L_p. If the semi-major axis of the planet is greater than the Alfvén radius rA, we assume that there are no SMPI and therefore a null torque. The migration time scale is computed the same way as in the tidal case. - tau_mig: Migration timescale, in years, due to both tidal effects star-planet magnetic interactions. ################## # II. References # ################## The following references have been used to determine the stellar rotation period (and observational values of other stellar & planetary parameters). Target_name References Trappist-1 Vida et al. 2017 (Grimm et al, 2018 : Planetary parameters) HD 209458 Mazeh et al. 2000 (Mengel et al, 2017 : Stellar parameters) HD 189733 Fares et al, 2017, (Vidotto et al, 2014 Boyajian et al, 2014) HD 149026 Butler et al., 2006 via Zoghbi et al. 2011 55 Cnc e Bourrier et al., 2018 (Dawson, Fabrycky 2010, Winn et al, 2011 Ligi et al, 2016 : planetary parameters) WASP-18 b Lanza et al. 2011 HAT-P-3 Chan et al, 2011 : Stellar parameters HD 97658 b Henry,G. W. et al, 2011 CoRoT-1 Barge et al., 2008 Kepler-11 Lissauer et al, 2013 Kepler-138 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 (Pineda, Bottom 2013) Kepler-9 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 (Torres et al, 2011) Kepler-25 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-26 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-32 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-49 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-51 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-61 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-102 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-125 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-127 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-236 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-249 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-448 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-504 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-705 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-737 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 Kepler-786 McQuillan,Mazeh,Aigrain 2013 KELT-7 Bieryla et al. 2015 GJ 1214 Mallonn et al. 2018 GJ 1132 Bonfils et al. 2018 GJ 436 Suarez Mascareno et al. 2015 K2-18 Cloutier et al. 2017 HATS-7 Bakos et al. 2015 : Stellar, Planetary parameters HAT-P-18 Hartman et al. 2010 : Stellar, planetary parameters WASP-19 Maxted et al., 2015 Tregloam-Reed et al., 2013 WASP-67 Hellier et al. 2012 WASP-43 Hellier et al. 2011 GJ 3470 Biddle et al. 2014 K2-3 Damasso et al. 2018 WASP-103 Gillon et al. 2014 : Stellar and planetary parameters WASP-52 Hébrard et al. 2013 WASP-80 Triaud et al. 2013 WASP-6 Tregloan-Reed et al. 2015 HD 3167 Gandolfi et al. 2017 HD 106315 Crossfield et al. 2017 : Stellar, planetary parameters Kepler-13 Szabo et al. 2012 WASP-76 West,R. G. et al. 2015 HD 219134 Johnson et al. 2016 Kepler-410 A Van Eylen et al. 2014 HAT-P-11 Béky et al. 2018 WASP-69 Anderson et al. 2013 References to determine the existence of an atmosphere or an ocean HD 219134 b,c Dorn & Heng 2018 55 Cnc e Tsiaras et al. 2016 HD 97658 b Dragomir et al. 2013 HD 3167 b,c Gandolfi et al. 2017 Kepler-68 b Gilliland et al. 2013 Kepler-37 b Barclay et al. 2013 GJ 9827 b,c,d Prieto-Arranz et al. 2018